Saturday, August 26, 2006

Poor Rodney. Still owing money from 2000. Take a look at this: Mr. fiscallyresponsible overspends on a campaign and takes six years to pay it off. Some will, of course, write this off as no big deal. It does, however, beg the question: What exactly is he about? Looking at his personal history, he is all about whats good for Rodney, public or private. Looking back at his campaigns and voting record, there is a pattern. It isn't about public service and good governing, it is about a self serving need for power and personal gain. In 94, the only thing his campaign didn't accuse Wynia of was being a bad mother. In 2000, he pulled out his mom in the bitter end, after his usual negative garbage failed. Now we have him running around the eighth district, claiming how we wishes to help us, passing off the same republican garbage he has been spouting for years now. Rodney: Your parties policies have been a failure. You have brought us a war with no end in sight, enormous debt, no health care and more problems being thrown onto the back of ordinary people to save you and your rich buddies some taxes on write offs. You are and have been 100% in line with the Bush administration and the republican insanity for years now. Leave us alone.

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