Saturday, August 12, 2006

Soory for the text in the last post...whatever happened there, the html was taking too much of my time so I left it.

We have a new terror plot. Now we have the same chanting we have had for the last five years: Be frightened, trust us, we will save you from the crazed lunatics. For five years we have had this rammed down our gullets. And they have done nothing except rob the treasury blind and lie. People: Get it through your heads that this group are pathologically sick. They are all criminals, only educated and given power. Most likely, this crew is the same as the group in Florida we hear nothing about now, who seem to have mysteriously dropped from the planet. They didn't really drop from the planet , of course, it just turned out that after investigation, things were not as they seemed. (Check out this story from the Australian press:,,19575461-663,00.html ). Frankly, these people cannot be trusted.

Remember, your local republicans, as we speak, support these thieves and liars. They are one and the same. Remind them of that everydaym especially at election time.

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