Sunday, July 23, 2006

More rightwing drivel.

I chose to suffer through Twin Cities' Public Television Almanac the other night, exposed to two republican hacks, Sarah Janacek and Andy Brehm. These people stay on message so well that a tornado could rip though the studio and they would somehow blame a dem. They do not deal with reality at all, namely that their party's policies have turned the country into a mudhole of dying troops and debt. The only reason I mention this is Janacek's whining about the treatment of Karl Rove, how evil protesters harassed this decent man to his car. Sarah....The man is scum ( simply google Max Cleland's and Rove's name together). Take off your blinders and admit what your party has become: highly paid criminals running the country into the dirt while legally poisoning us and our children for personal profit. These are not the republicans of 30 or 40 years ago.

That makes a good transition to my favorite mama's boy lately, Rod Grams. He claims nice Minnesota roots. Grew up on a dairy farm in Anoka county...blah blah blah blah. He definitely didn't learn anything there. His votes against ordinary people, ( whom he always claims to represent) is so long I won't even try to post it. He voted against Head Start, voted against money for 1997 flood victims ( remember the Red River Valley?), and even voted gainst money for Veterans and their families health for god's sake. He never met a rich contributor he didn't like or vote for ( in the old days this was called bribery). He would call himself an ideological purist, which really means he is a fanatic, like most rightwingers nowadays.These people are downright scary...the only thing which appears normal from the outside is when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, lately a daily occurrence. Reporters and others need to start calling people like Grams on their BS, once and for all actually look at what they are doing, rather than what they are saying. Simple questions like " Why did Rod Grams vote against the Family and Medical Leave Act?" might be a start.....Think about what a world this might be....

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