Sunday, July 30, 2006

More from the republican platform.

Yeah, I know. You're begging me, icepick to your eyes, " more of that drivel...I will blind myself if you do". Sorry...Just some more...maybe.

While the republicans run from Dubya faster than a nude man from a hornet's nest, I'll remind them and everyone else what they actually say in their platform:

B. President George W. Bush, whose principled leadership in time of war
ensures that America at home is free and prosperous, and abroad
remains the beacon of hope and freedom for the rest of the world;

Hmmm...principled....Let's see..Lying to get us there....Messing up on the plan....letting no bid contracts out to friends...ill-equipping our troops, then cutting the VA budget....Halliburton...Katrina...This is what republicans are about, and this is what they have done for 25 years. Fed at the trough of working people, made our lives more difficult, and sold their soul to a bunch of religious fanatics. Remember: They love George, except that he is really unpopular now. They are all still one and the same.

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