Sunday, May 25, 2008

Coleman, Franken, and the Republican Hate Machine...

Republicans know they are in trouble. Their policies and their president have run the country into the mud like the drunk cousin you hope doesn't come to the wedding, so any positive campaign is out of the question.They have nothing. Franken, in reality, is the front runner for the DFL. So the Repub noise machine is focused on one thing; run a blistering negative campaign against Franken. This will include the usual tactics; press releases, circulated fake stories etc etc. My favorite is posing callers and blog commentators. These people will call or write in, posing as normal citizens, then immediately spin out a statement right out of a campaign message plan...see these comments here, and it is obvious. This is a problem, because for some reason, I have never seen reporters confront this. So, for reality's sake, here is part of Coleman's campaign donor list. The CEO of Amway..interesting; A truer nutjob if ever walked the planet. Hey..Bill Mcguire, big time thief. This what they do not want you to see. Norm's ties to the extremely wealthy,the crazed right wing and his lapdog service to them. Geez, he doesn't like funding education for the disabled or to extend unemployment funding for people laid off. Here is his voting record...

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