Wednesday, November 05, 2014

The Non-lessons never spoken

Ignoring the usual morons they go to to explain things, there are some lessons to take away from last night, but not those they will repeat like demented parrots.
Here are the lessons:
1: An organized strategy to maximize votes for the plutocracy and minimize votes for ordinary people
2: Change the laws through legislation and court cases to minimize votes of ordinary people. Bring cases so the right wing majority you created on the court gut the voting rights act to ensure voter suppression is legal. Suppress their votes by such things as id cards and inadequate infrastructure.
3: An organized campaign (2010) to gerrymander congressional districts to over-represent older, whiter, wealthier conservative voters.
4: Spend billions of dollars in organization and advertising. Propaganda and infrastructure.
5: An organized propaganda campaign using the proven techniques to excite the fears of the racists, the stupid and co-opted into voting against their own interest.
6: Co-opt the leadership of the other party, making sure populist programs aren't allowed.
7: Create a sense of despair or hopelessness so voter participation is minimal.
8: Dupe religious voters into voting against their own economic interest by  propaganda;use homophobia, racism, abortion and genuine delusion of irrational people as methods.
9: Use the other typical forms of prejudice available. Convince white working class voters the reason for their difficulties is not the rigged corporate system, but poor and colored people who receive a pittance.
10: Use whatever events are possible to inculcate fear among the populace.
11: Pray the stupid white working class people never wake up. Ensure they are indoctrinated from day one with a belief system completely detached from reality.

Those are the lessons.